Today TPMCC Forex Exchange Rates (23 September 2014)

September 23, 2014.

Thein Phyu Money Changer Centre (TPMCC)
Official-Forex Exchange Rates

Centre Address:
99/103, Foreign Currency Sale & Purchase Center,
Thein Phyu Road, Lower Block, Botahtaung Township. Yangon, Myanmar.

23-9-2014RateSellBuyChange %
USDUSD MMKMMK 988 988 996 +0.61%
EUREUR MMKMMK 1269.6 1259 1277 +0.55%
SGDSGD MMKMMK 778.44772784 +0.13%

You can change Kyats to US Dollars or to Euro in Yangon airport before or after going through immigration.

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