Today CBM FX Rates & TPMC FX Rates (01 Oct 2012)

October 01, 2012.

(* The rates will be only run as of 28/09/2012 due to closed of Myanmar Banks on today - 01/10/2012)

Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM)

Reference Foreign Exchange Rates

1USD = 861.00 MMK

1EUR = 1111.80 MMK

1GBP = 1397.70 MMK

1SGD = 702.11 MMK

1MYR = 280.82 MMK


Thein Phyu Money Changer Center (TPMCC)

They Buy | They Sell 

1USD: 854 - 863 MMK

1FEC: 854 - 863 MMK

1EUR: 1102 - 1120 MMK

1SGD: 696 - 708 MMK

(* The rates will be only run as of 28/09/2012 due to closed Myanmar Banks on today - 01/10/2012)

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