Today Market Rates (19 OCT)

October 19, 2010.

Singapore Dollar Rate,
From Singapore (SG PNSL Market Zone) to YGN,
1 SGD > 698 Ks @SG Time 01:30PM

From - eTm Broadcast (YGN),
Offer Price @YGN Time 10:45AM
1 USD > 920 Ks - 923 Ks
1 FEC > 840 Ks - 846 Ks
Myanmar Gold 1 Tical > 667,000 Ks

YGN Open Market Zone @YGN Time-12:20PM
100 Ks > 0.725 - 0.726 (China Yuan)
100 Ks > 3.31 - 3.3 (Thailand Baht)
100 Ks > 7.937 - 7.874 (Bangladesh Taka)
1 USD > 917 - 922 Ks
1 FEC > 837 - 842 Ks
1 SGD > 715 Ks
Earning > 920 - 923 Ks
Gold > 665,200 Ks (YGN) | 664,500 Ks (MDY)

YGN Closed Market Zone @YGN Time - 2:45PM
100 Ks > 0.724 - 0.727 (China Yuan)
100 Ks > 3.31 - 3.3 (Thailand Baht)
100 Ks > 7.937 - 7.874 (Bangladesh Taka)
1 USD > 915 - 920 Ks
1 FEC > 835 - 840 Ks
1 SGD > 715 Ks
Earning > 920 - 921 Ks
Gold > 665,000 Ks (YGN) | 664,500 Ks (MDY)

These above rates may vary (+ / -) from time to time, T & C depending on exchange amount, market dealers ..etc, and are based on information supplied by leading market data contributors, SG PNSL - Myanmar Shops and YGN - eTm media broadcasting.


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